Monday, March 25, 2013

Progress, setting one foot in front of the other, and a random thought

I don't know why, but lately I have been writing in a journal that I had. I've been jotting down notes and ideas, and who knows what else has made it into there. There is just something liberating about actually writing on paper with a pen. I don't mean writing something that you are forced to write, but rather, writing something that just works its way out of you.

By no means am I anywhere near successful, so here is the salt shaker for what all I am about to say. It's full, so you don't need to worry about running out.

Maybe I have a knack for writing, and it is such an innate ability that it is difficult for me to see the problems that other people have. I'm not saying that I have a mastery of the English language, far from it, but I'm able to put pen to paper with ease that others tend to find envious. What is it about writing that is so difficult for everyone else?

I am right there with you when it comes to writing papers or reports for work or school. I don't much care for that writing because it has no life to it. It doesn't tell a story. Facts are all that they are about. What about writing for fun? There are so many ideas floating around in my head, and I cannot begin to express them all in a single sitting. For some reason, I find myself not wanting to believe that I am special.

That could be taken the wrong way, and friends of mine that have seen me through the dark days of my depression will probably catch their breath in concern for a moment. I'm not saying that I hold no value for myself. I like to think that I'm pretty amazing. No, what I'm saying is that how am I special compared to everyone else? I'm special to my loved ones - my family, my friends, and Linds especially, but how am I special to everybody else?

I have these thoughts come to me, and I can find myself waxing philosophical about everything that is just floating around between my ears.

I guess the thing to take from all of this is that we are all special to somebody, and we can see that if we just take the time.We're also special to everybody, but we need to accept that they aren't always going to see that.

Here am I, I started talking about my thoughts on being able to write, and now I'm talking about being special. It's a major train wreck in my head right now, and ideas are fighting to get out. Perhaps if I keep typing, we'll start seeing random numbers and letters that are the answer to all of our questions.......

Ok, yeah, I've got nothing.

For everybody out there that loved Time Jump, and for those that didn't, I'm going to get a new teaser up for Eugenic Reprisal sometime this week. I need to start transferring from my journal to the word document, but one foot is constantly being placed in front of the other. I'll keep y'all posted.

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